Hola! Welcome to YOKO – the ultimate online fashion destination for little trendsetters.
YOKO was originally born as ‘Baby Dino’ back in 2012, when peplum skirts were everywhere and Beyonce rocked a blonde bob.
YOKO stands for ‘You Only Kid Once’, which is kind of ironic since it’s our second name – but there’s a story behind the name, and it’s one we’re super proud of.
Like all proud parents, when Baby Dino was born, we never expected things to grow so big, so fast.
We started out small but, within a few short years, Baby Dino’s street cred had grown to epic proportions. With thousands of repeat customers, including a steady stream of celebrity shoppers, Baby Dino wasn’t such a baby anymore.
Baby Dino had grown up to be a full-blown fashion ‘It Kid’ – and like, all serious style icons, needed a new name to suit (we’re looking at you Blue Ivy and little Saint West!)